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Moving Wall Ontology (MWO)

Carsten Klee (ZDB)

2015-12-09 (version +107)

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The Moving Wall Ontology (MWO) is a vocabulary to express a quantitative limitation to a service event.

In the real world limitations of document services are often called ‘retention period’, ‘access restriction’ or ‘moving wall’. This Vocabulary aims to be used in conjunction with document services, but it might be used with other services too.

1.1 Status of this document

This document is an early draft. Feedback is welcome!

1.2 Namespaces and Ontology

The URI namespace of this ontology is … The namespace prefix mwo is recommeded. The URI of this ontology as a whole is …

@prefix mwo: <> .
@base        <> .

The following namspace prefixes are used to refer to related ontologies:

@prefix dso:  <> .
@prefix service: <> .
@prefix gr:   <> .
@prefix owl:  <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix xs:   <> .
@prefix dc:   <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

The Moving Wall Ontology is defined in RDF/Turtle as following:

<> a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "Moving Wall Ontology (MWO)" ;
    vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "mwo" ;
    dc:title "Moving Wall Ontology (MWO)" ;
    dc:description "A vocabulary to express a limitation to a document service"@en .

2 Overview

MovingWall Overview
MovingWall Overview

A service:Service might be limited by a MovingWall, which is a intersection of service:ServiceLimitation and gr:QuantitativeValue.

To state that a service:Service is limited by a MovingWall use service:limits.

3 Classes

3.1 MovingWall

A moving wall is some obstacle that may limit the use of a service:Service.

mwo:MovingWall a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "moving wall" ;
    rdfs:comment "A moving wall is some obstacle that may limit the use of a service:Service"@en ;
    rdfs:subClassOf [
        a owl:Class ;
        owl:intersectionOf (service:ServiceLimitation gr:QuantitativeValue)
    ] .

4 Properties

4.1 limitedBy

Used to relate a service:Service instance that is limited by a MovingWall instance to this service limitation.

To relate a MovingWall to a dso:DocumentService use service:limits. service:limits is defined by the Service Ontology.

service:limitedBy a owl:AnnotationProperty , owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "limited by" ;
    skos:scopeNote "Used to relate a service:Service instance that is limited by a moving wall instance to this service limitation."@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

4.2 hasValue

Used to relate a MovingWall to its quantitative value. gr:hasValue is defined by GoodRelations.

gr:hasValue a owl:AnnotationProperty , owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    skos:scopeNote "Used to relate a moving wall to its quantitative value."@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

4.3 hasUnitOfMeasurement

Used to relates a MovingWall to its unit of measurement. gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement is defined by GoodRelations.

gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement a owl:AnnotationProperty , owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    skos:scopeNote "Used to relate a moving wall to its quantitative value."@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

5 References

5.1 Informative References

6 Examples

6.1 Moving Wall and document service

@prefix mwo: <> .
@prefix holding:  <> .
@prefix dso:  <> .
@prefix service: <> .
@prefix gr:   <> .
@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix daia: <> .
@prefix dct:  <> .
@prefix ecpo: <> .
@prefix xs:   <> .

The series is a document, consisting of multliple volumes

$series a bibo:Periodical 
    dct:hasPart $volume1, $volume2, $volume3 .

$volume1 a bibo:CollectedDocument ; bibo:volume "1" .
$volume2 a bibo:CollectedDocument ; bibo:volume "2" .
$volume3 a bibo:CollectedDocument ; bibo:volume "3" .

One chapter in Volume 1

$issue3 a bibo:Document ;
    dct:date "2000"^^dct:W3CDTF ;
    dct:isPartOf $volume1 .

A copy of the full series

    holding:exemplarOf $series ;
    holding:heldBy $libray ;
    ecpo:hasChronology [
        a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
        ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "1"  ;
        ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "1"  ;
        ecpo:hasBeginTemporal "1999" ;
        dct:extent [ rdf:value "9" ]
    ] .

The latest volume is available for presentation

$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    service:limitedBy [
        a mwo:MovingWall ;
        gr:hasValue "1"^^xs:integer
        gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "volume"^^xs:string
] .

All volumes but the last is available for loan

$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Loan ;
    service:limitedBy [
        a mwo:MovingWall ;
        gr:hasValue "-1"^^xs:integer ;
        gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "volume"^^xs:string
] .

The latest 10 issues are available for presentation

$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    service:limitedBy [
        a mwo:MovingWall ;
        gr:hasValue "10"^^xs:integer ;
        gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "issue"^^xs:string
] .

All issues but the latest 10 are available for loan.

In this example no issues are currently available for loan because there are only 9 issues in the chronology.

$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Loan ;
    service:limitedBy [
        a mwo:MovingWall ;
        gr:hasValue "-10"^^xs:integer ;
        gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "issue"^^xs:string
] .

The latest two years are available for presentation.

Given the current year 2001, in this example all issues before the year 2000 are not avaialable for presentation.

$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    service:limitedBy [
        a mwo:MovingWall ;
        gr:hasValue "P2Y"^^xs:yearMonthDuration
] .

All issues but within the last two years are available for loan.

Given the current year 2001, all issues after the year 2000 are not available for loan.

$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Loan ;
    service:limitedBy [
        a mwo:MovingWall ;
        gr:hasValue "-P2Y"^^xs:yearMonthDuration
] .

6.2 Moving Wall and other services

$exampleService a ex:CoffeForFree ;
    service:limitedBy [
        a mwo:MovingWall ;
        gr:hasValue "1"^^xs:integer ;
        gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "cup"^^xs:string
    ] .

$PreviewGoogleBook daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    mwo:limitedBy [
        gr:hasValue "5"^^xs:integer ;
        gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "page"^^xs:string
] .