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Moving Wall Ontology (MWO)

Carsten Klee (ZDB)

2015-12-09 (version +105)

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The Moving Wall Ontology (MWO) is a vocabulary to express the retention period of an item for a specific service.

1.1 Status of this document

This document is an early draft. Feedback is welcome!

1.2 Namespaces and Ontology

The URI namespace of this ontology is … The namespace prefix mwo is recommeded. The URI of this ontology as a whole is …

@prefix mwo: <> .
@base        <> .

The following namspace prefixes are used to refer to related ontologies:

@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix daia: <> .
@prefix dct:  <> .
@prefix dso:  <> .
@prefix ecpo: <> .
@prefix owl:  <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix xsd:  <> .

The Holding Ontology is defined in RDF/Turtle as following:

<> a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "Moving Wall Ontology (MWO)" ;
    vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "mwo" .

2 Classes

2.1 DocumentService

A DocumentService is a service event that is related to one or more documents. The service event involves a service provider (e.g.a library) and an optional service consumer (e.g. a library patron). Both service provider and service consumer SHOULD be instances of foaf:Agent. The DocumentService class is defined by the Document Service Ontology.

dso:DocumentService a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "DocumentService" ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .

Typical document services within the scope of holdings ontology involve a loan event (dso:Loan) and a presentation event (dso:Presentation). To express the availability of items for selected services, one SHOULD use the properties daia:availableFor and daia:unavailableFor from the DAIA Ontology.

3 Properties

3.1 numVolumes

The number of volumes that are included in or excluded from the DocumentService. The number MUST be of the datatype xsd:integer and thus can be positive or negative.

mwo:numVolumes a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "number of volumes" ;
    rdfs:comment "The number of volumes that are included in or excluded from the DocumentService." ;
    rdfs:domain dso:DocumentService ;
    rdfs:range xsd:integer .

3.2 numIssues

The number of issues that are included in or excluded from the DocumentService. The number MUST be of the datatype xsd:integer and thus can be positive or negative.

mwo:numIssues a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "number of issues" ;
    rdfs:comment "The number of issues that are included in or excluded from the DocumentService." ;
    rdfs:domain dso:DocumentService ;
    rdfs:range xsd:integer .

3.3 time

A part of the document expressed through a period of time which is excluded from the DocumentService. The period MUST be of the datatype xsd:duration and thus can be positive or negative.

mwo:excludedTime a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "excluded time" ;
    rdfs:comment "A part of the document expressed through a period of time which is excluded from the DocumentService." ;
    rdfs:domain dso:DocumentService ;
    rdfs:range xsd:duration .

4 Examples

# The series is a document, consisting of multliple volumes
$series a bibo:Periodical 
    dcterms:hasPart $volume1, $volume2, $volume3 .

$volume1 a bibo:CollectedDocument ; bibo:volume "1" .
$volume2 a bibo:CollectedDocument ; bibo:volume "2" .
$volume3 a bibo:CollectedDocument ; bibo:volume "3" .

# One chapter in Volume 1
$issue3 a bibo:Document ;
    dcterms:date "2000"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
    dcterms:isPartOf $volume1 .

# A copy of the full series
    holding:exemplarOf $series ;
    holding:heldBy $libray ;
    ecpo:hasChronology [
        a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
        ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "1"  ;
        ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "1"  ;
        ecpo:hasBeginTemporal "1999" ;
        dcterms:extent [ rdf:value "9" ]    
    ] .
# The latest volume is available for presentation 
$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    mwo:numVolumes "1"^^xsd:integer
] .

# All volumes but the last is available for loan 
$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Loan ;
    mwo:numVolumes "-1"^^xsd:integer
] .

# The latest 10 issues are available for presentation
$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    mwo:numIssues "10"^^xsd:integer
] .

# All issues but the latest 10 are available for loan. In this example no issues are currently available for loan because there are only 9 issues in the chronology.
$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Loan ;
    mwo:numIssues "-10"^^xsd:integer
] .

# The latest two years are available for presentation. Given the current year 2001, in this example all issues before the year 2000 are not avaialable for  presentation. 
$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    mwo:time "P2Y"^^^xsd:duration
] .

# All issues but within the last two years are available for loan. Given the current year 2001, all issues before 2000 are available for loan.
$librarycopies daia:availableFor [
    a dso:Presentation ;
    mwo:time "-P2Y"^^^xsd:duration
] .

5 References

5.1 Normative References

5.2 Informative References